Thursday, 29 May 2014

NAMO NAMO; a very powerful mantra

India chants NAMO NAMO. A very powerful mantra attracted a billion people. Also, this mantra pushed some people to a terrified state. Narendra Modi, the present prime minister of the Indian subcontinent attracted many people because of his capacity of being leader and his good works in Gujarat. He has introduced some significant steps which gave him a very good start.  We can’t judge him with his start. He has experienced some poverty on his olden days. So, he knows the pain of the poor.  In movies when a poor comes to a position, he will be brainwashed by some bad people. But in reality, we don’t know what will happen. But I think, he will be the best prime minister ever. He is brave enough to fight the oppressors.  But he will be the best compared to the accidental prime minister and others.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly oppose your viee in this .. what is prime minister to do with mantras. . I want a prime minister who is in a position to support all and not only Hindus. . If you feel that as great then following your block on thsee matter's will not be worthing it
